01 Retail
02 Housing
03 Education
04 Energy
05 Finance
06 Creative
07 Professional Services
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Co-ops in Retail

Retail coops create a more engaged and motivated workforce, leading to a more positive shopping experience for customers. Additionally, worker cooperatives often prioritise sustainability and ethical practices, which can appeal to consumers who are increasingly concerned about the environmental and social impacts of their purchasing decisions

Case study

Co-ops in housing

A housing co-operative is a group of people who manage and control the housing in which they live…

Case study

Co-ops in education

Co-op Academies Trust is a group of 30 schools throughout the North of England which adopt Co-op values through their approach to education. These 30 schools include primary, secondary and special schools, all of which instill their values of Do What Matters Most, Show You Care, Succeed Together, and Be Yourself Always.

Case study

Co-ops in Energy

Energy Co-ops are self organising and set their own agenda based on local energy priorities. They raise capital from their members and invest in their own local energy projects…

Case study

Co-ops in Finance

Credit Unions are membership-based organisations, similar to co-operatives, offering straightforward saving products and fair, manageable loans to members.

Case study


While the Creative industries are most commonly known for consisting of limited companies, there are a large number of co-ops within the creative sector. These co-ops offer their members a fairer way of working along with ownership and a voice in the direction of their studios, practices and agencies. Their clients often get to benefit from cost efficiencies.

Case study

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Professional Services

People working in this sector will understand the co-op business model and will have a skill set to support newly formed co-ops in the area and the development of existing co-ops.

Case study

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